Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear boys,

Please grow up.
We are tired of trying to figure out what you want.
9 times out of 10 you make the first move, tell us amazing things, and leave us to figure out what exactly to make of everything.
Be honest for once in your life.
Actually try to care for more than 10.4 seconds.
If you don't like a girl, don't kiss her.
If you see things between the two of you going absolutely nowhere, don't talk to her for hours on the phone before you fall asleep.
We understand a hookup.
We know that something moderately serious scares the shit out of you.
We know the second you have a girl friend you feel tied down.
Stop thinking so much about what other people are going to think, how hard it might possibly be, and think about how it might actually be one of the best things you could have done for yourself and the girl.
If you care about someone, if you like someone, go for it.
Tell them.
Mean it.
Tell them again two days later, a week later, a month later.
Fight for a girl you want to be with, make it happen.
Just don't waste our time.
We really do not ask for a lot.
Just a real conversation, a kiss on the forehead, a nice text message at night, or an ice cream binge.
Stop making everything so fucking confusing, lighten up, and be real.



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