Thursday, December 10, 2009

You know it's finals week when...

1. You show up to your 7:30 a.m. exam with your shirt inside out - Lauryn
2. You can't keep track of the days because you go to sleep at 4:30 a.m., wake up at 7:30, take an exam, come home and sleep until 2 in the afternoon and start studying again.
3. Seeing people on campus in reindeer printed PJ pants and hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in 2 days is normal.
4. You go to a coffee shop to quietly study, not talk about the fun things you've done in the last week, and people playing cards and laughing is annoying.
5. Your brain literally hurts, as in it decides to stop working and all you can do is mindlessly stare at trashy television.
6. Getting fresh air only happens as you walk from your house to your test.
7. Setting your alarm for 6:30 am happens at least twice in 5 days.
8. Things that are normally amusing are HILARIOUS because you are delirious.
9. Selling your books back for $2 seems like the best thing ever.
10. Even though you don't have to go to any classes, it's the worst week of the year.

Dear finals week, we hate you.

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