Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Restless Rambling

Ever feel like all you want to do is run in the opposite direction, towards something that is so far from what you are doing now?
Sure your life is great...
you are at the university you always dreamed of attending 
the only responsibility you have is keeping your grades up 
you live with three amazing people 
good friends are all around you 
and your family is healthy 

So why is it so difficult to be completely happy with what you have going for you in the moment? Why is there a constant need to break free and do something completely unexpected and outside from what you are in right now?
All I want to do is start taking dance classes again, read every book in sight, travel to a different city or country, apply for culinary school and a million scholarships, learn how to surf, and be with someone who is honest and willing.
But would doing all of that even really make me happy, or would new ideas and wants just keep popping up.
In the grand scheme of things I am doing exactly what I should be at this time in my life. I am on track in school, working toward a college degree, experiencing new things, meeting new people, going out, making goals, and learning..... but is that what's supposed to make me happy? I'm surrounded by people doing these exact things, and everyone I have talked to feels as if there is something missing.
It seems like there's so much more I'd rather be doing, people I want to be with, why is it so difficult to turn that moment of happiness into a greater moment, one that doesn't really see an end or plan on one.
I guess it comes down to expectations and expiration dates.
Expectations are placed on us all depending on our age, gender, everything. They are easy to follow for the most part since it's the norm. Obstacles are generally easy to overcome and reaching that college degree wasn't as hard as it seemed 4 years ago.
Expiration dates are increasingly common. Relationships, flings, friendships, the food in your fridge, even years are sitting there with a glaring stamp on them pointing toward an inevitable end.
Just when you feel stable, or like something may last it's ripped out from under you and we're expected to react accordingly.... practically.
It's exhausting but we continue to buy into it and fear what is different. Fear what might actually be worth spending time to work on, or what might actually be the right thing.

2010 is going to be a different kind of year. 
Make a list, clean out your room, clean out your life. 
Fight for something. 
Work toward a passion, not just something practical. 
Tell someone how you really feel. 
Cut out the bullshit. 
Gain some sort of clarity. 
And then enjoy it. 
Check things off the list that's been pushed aside and forgotten. 

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